Friday, March 27, 2009

Scott A. Hepworth

I am a business person -- not an attorney -- a former CEO of mid-sized companies, an experienced practical adviser, counselor and mediator.

I can help companies increase cash flow and valuation. I can help a company prepare for optimal sale, convert to an ESOP, or do other project management. I was a turnaround specialist for parent company Datapoint, then for two subsidiaries of other public companies, then a private company, all mid-sized with 80-700 employees.

I have started or acquired ten small companies and incubated and advised numerous entrepreneurial activities. My last heavily funded venture, Seaware Technologies, developed award winning test automation and diagnostic software for the semiconductor
industry. The source code was surreptitiously copied in 2004, and by 2007 the business was closed, with the industry getting the product without paying Seaware for it.

Attorneys engaged to get justice led to my involvement in a high end database technology project where a team tried to sell technology to Oracle, IBM, HP, etc., but ended the effort in 2008. Since then, I have been nurturing other equity projects and now seek established clients for advisory services.

You or someone you know may be aware of companies who could use my
time-sensitive interactive approach to practical business negotiation:

- business decision conflict resolution
- mediation
- counseling to resolve difficult situations
- strategy or leadership succession disagreements
- inter-generational conflicts
- partnership disputes
- family business relationships
- business survival
- closing a difficult sale
- etc.,

- all to protect and increase the cash flow and business valuation
of the company.

Professional Objective

As an entrepreneur or senior advisor, increase business value by finding needs and filling them within companies, adding value to all relationships, improving organizational effectiveness, better fulfilling business purposes.

Professional Background

• 20 years as an entrepreneur, angel investor, adviser

Advise private companies as needed, as requested

Scrutinize business model, leadership, vision, strategy, training, quality, etc. to identify opportunities to improve business value

Help companies with research, strategic, organizational, and business development

Provide strategic guidance and financial resources to start-ups and established firms

• 10 years as turnaround specialist: 4 companies - technology, consumer products, industrial services

Amcomp – from $4M loss to $8M pre-tax profit

Disctron – from $6M loss to $7M pre-tax profit

Elan Products – from annualized sales of $1M to $5M

Golden Bear Packaging – from co-founders infighting to self-managing ESOP

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